Things to Think About on Thursday

Taylor Swift, Kanye West, LQTM, my dog, the meaning of life, advertising trends AND MORE are all featured in the first edition of Things to Think About On Thursday - a new Princess of the Internet Feature. I'm sure you're very excited about it. You should probably start reading it now. Right now. Get going. It'll only take you a second.

Existentialism, Content Strategy and River Phoenix

In Grade 8, my art teacher told the class existentialists believed there was "more to life than work". An over-simplification? Yes, but it hit my 13-year-old soul harder than The Bridge to Terabithia and the knowledge River Phoenix would never love me. 

"But there is, right, I mean there is more to life than that?" my brain hummed. The very IDEA  the future of my existence could be contained into one, grey 9-5 blob chilled me. The idea of sameness seemed equal to The Nothing we all fear - to steal liberally from another hallmark of my childhood - The Neverending Story. 

Times I Have Embarrassed Myself

Recently, whilst washing my dog, I paused to absorb just how ashamed he looked at finding himself immersed in suds. (Then I took a picture, obvs.) His embarrassment (and probably the water) stripped him down to his most basic self. I like to think that day he discovered new inner strength, once his remarkable fluff and exclaim-worthy cuteness was reduced to nothing more than the smell of wet dog. He had no exterior shell to protect him. He had to face reality. It is good to be embarrassed, to know you are a mistake-making machine.

Dispatches from the Incredible Shrinking Region – Part 5

So, once upon a time The Globe and Mail published a story called How the Maritimes Became Canada's Incredible Shrinking Region. This made me sad. I want to stay. How small, though, does a place need to become before you get squeezed out? And, I wondered, is there anything I can do to keep the walls from closing in? I turned to friends for ideas. Now, I share some of my own.

Dispatches from Canada's Incredible Shrinking Region - Part 4

Recently, the Globe and Mail published a story called How the Maritimes Became Canada's Incredible Shrinking Region. It was a disheartening read. However, it didn't say much many of us who live here don't already know. It also didn't capture the fighting spirit of the region or the powerful voices calling for change and hope that dot Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. So, this series is about featuring new ideas. In this dispatch, you'll find ideas from Anna Sampson. 

Dispatches from Canada's Incredible Shrinking Region - Part 3

Dear friends, it is I - haunter of your Facebook feed, eager tweeter - back for more dispatches. As a refresher to those new to the series, recently, The Globe and Mail published an article titled: How the Maritimes became Canada’s incredible shrinking region.  

I believe, as do many others, something can and must be done to fight the shrink. We must help ourselves and make bold and hard choices. Step 1 of any major change is collecting smart ideas from different perspectives, which brings us to this series. And now, without further rambling, I introduce you to someone whose opinions I have valued since the age of twelve.



Dispatches from Canada's Incredible Shrinking Region, Part 2

(Yes friends, I'm still on about this.) To recap: The Globe and Mail published an article titled: How the Maritimes became Canada’s incredible shrinking region. I decided it would be best if we don't throw our hands up and become extinct. I want to hear from people with real ideas for solutions. I'm asking a variety of people the same questions and asking for them to provide me with one of their favourite pics of the Incredible Shrinking Region. 

This second dispatch comes to us from Amy - @makeactive. 

Dispatches from Canada's Incredible Shrinking Region

Recently, The Globe and Mail published an article titled: How the Maritimes became Canada’s incredible shrinking region. 

Much hand-wringing and Facebook whining ensued in this part of the world where I live - which happens to be the shrinking region in question. But, I do believe that hope is not lost, that if people are willing to - you know - do something instead of talking about doing something - we might not disappear just yet. 

In order to get to the doing part, I wanted to hear from people who are smart, who've thought about what to do to make it better. So, really, Step 1 of the doing is going to be the assembling and sharing of ideas. (Pssst: that's this step, this one right here). I've asked everyone the same set of questions and for their favourite picture of the Incredible Shrinking Region.

Taye Diggs is Following Me on Twitter

This morning I checked my phone/and my heart went a-flitter/it was true/Taye Diggs was following me on Twitter.

And so began a day full of celebrity close encounters. First, Taye Diggs STARTED FOLLOWING ME ON TWITTER and then my dad made pizzas using Gwyneth Paltrow's cookbook. So, you know, it was a pretty big day.

Writing is Hard

I’m working on a post about life, the future, what it all means – you know, light stuff like that. It’s taking me a while and right now what’s done can best be summed up like so: yuck, not readable, needs edits.

But I made a promise to you, oh blog, oh home of my words, that I’d feed and water you like the peanut plant my sister so lovingly nurtured in her youth, only to have our cat eat it whilst we were at church one sunny Sunday. (I hope my cat doesn’t eat you, blog.)

Since I kinda sorta have writer’s block, I thought I’d turn today’s post into some tips about how to spark creative inspiration. Ready? Here we go

Mandy Moore is Nice (And You Can Be Too)

The late 1990s and early 2000s were hard on the male hair if you belonged to a boyband. It was during this era my retinas were scalded by the frosted, spiky tips of many warblers. This time period was also challenging for their skin. A deep-rooted orange-y glow accompanied from stage to stage. 

A Life in Digital Media and Marketing

Life can be busy. Don't freak out. You TOO can lead a life full of rewarding professional work AND have time for the gym and whatever else you like to do. Here's my advice for becoming fast, speedy and super chill too. 

The Best Oscar Beauty Prep Guide You'll Ever Read

After months of anticipation the Academy Awards are finally here. Like many, I have a carefully curated beauty and relaxation ritual I follow the day of the big show. While some might shield their age-defying secrets from the public, desiring to keep the info all to themselves, I'm happy to share my knowledge with the world. You're welcome. 

10 Reasons Why Kanye is the Best

Right now, dozens of music nerds, people who really liked Beck in the 1990s, irate folks who like regular-flavoured chips and people who watched a video clip for 30 seconds, really don’t. “Dear Internet,” they’re writing. “I am SHOCKED and APPALLED by Kanye’s rude behavior at the Grammys. Also he doesn’t play an instrument! He’s not even a musician!” 

Why You Should Invite Me to the Oscars, Academy

People want someone to #AskHerMore on the red carpet. That's cool with me. I would like to respectfully suggest the Academy invite me to this year's main event. Here are some of the potential questions I have prepared. As you can see, my questions are designed to provide thoughtful and interesting responses. My fee will be utterly reasonable and my clothing and beauty allowance will not be astronomical.

Venn Diagrams of Hell

What is made of circles, but constructed by a square? A VENN DIAGRAM. Guys, did you know that if you want to seem super smart, all you have to do is make a circle, make another circle and put some sort of something in the middle and call it an insight?

Of Girls in White (and red and pink and multicoloured) Dresses

The night of the 2015 Golden Globe Awards I was on deck to do a fashion rundown for Just before I started, I retweeted a bunch of tweets with the #askhermore hashtag. The purpose of the hashtag was to encourage those covering the red carpet to ask the female TV and movie stars more relevant and interesting questions than “who are you wearing?”. So, I retweeted a bunch of the better ones because yes, I am curious to hear interesting tidbits from stars with actual brains.

5 Ways To Not Hate Your Life At Work

“I know I'm lucky to even have had that experience,” he says. “We were still young enough at the time not to fully grasp how good it was.” That’s my friend and former colleague romanticizing a golden period in our professional life. We had so much fun at our online gig creating stories, measuring audience traffic and trying new digital experiments that we’d stay late ON PURPOSE because we had serious FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).