
Disputed News, I’m Sorry Tweets and the Future of Social

Recently, Facebook pushed the “disputed news” tag into its universe. Although the feature isn’t available to all users yet, reports “Facebook says that stories flagged as fake by users will be reviewed by independent fact-checking organizations including Politifact and”

I’m interested to see how this will roll out, how much people try to abuse it, whether or not Politifact and Snopes will be able to keep up with demand, if it actually helps the general public wade through truth and fiction and so on and so forth.

What I’m also interested in … is WHAT IS TWITTER DOING?!

To The People Who Are Super Mean On Twitter

Are you sad? Were you bruised emotionally by something outside of anyone's control? And so you release the pain with short spews of hate?

Are you a frustrated, wannabe ruler who dreams of making laws and decisions? And so you decide to sit and pass judgement on everyone and everything else because nobody would elect you, not even ever?